Being the first Spring Show Business Meeting for 2010 lots of infomation was touched on! 

    -  Make sure you know which dances you can and cannot be in, as well as the ones you HAVE to be in! Find out NOW and don't wait to hell week to realize you have to learn a dance!
   -  Don't depend on the dance DVD to learn all the dances, rehearsal is still important! The DVD is a helpful tool, not a replacement for rehearsal!
   -  Make sure once you sign up for a dance you are committed to it. Choreographers depend on you for spacing, Costumes is working on our a costume etc
   -  If you have questions about a dance, contact the choreographer directly
   -  If you have questions about what dances you have to be in, can be in, or cannot be in contact Dorothy Blackman or look here

Musical Director
    -  Vocal rehearsal will start next Saturday
    -  Schedule will change week to week, so watch for the weekly email or check the Musical Notes section on the website

   -  All dancers need to purchase the base uniform, check the Costume Closet section on the website for more information on what is needed and where you can buy it!
   -  Will be a costumes check 3 weeks prior to the show for all characters
   -  Choreographers need to get with Ruth to talk about your dance and give any suggestions for costuming you might have
   -  Characters will be getting a costume style sheet to help select costumes.

Ad Sales
   -  All cast members are asked to sale at least 1 page
   -  We have to raise $10,000 in ad sales in order to put on the show.
   -  Today is the last day for early bird ad sales prices, must have form and money in hand!
   -  You can now purchase ads online here.

   -  Sign up to bring breakfast for Saturday dance rehearsals
   -  Hell Week Food will be $45 a person, this will include dinner Mon - Sat the week of the show
   -  Hell Week Food menu will be online soon

We need everyone to collect or donate bottles of wine
   -  If you have a contact of someone who might donate food contact Bridget Shelton