Hey gang,

Sorry for my late email, this week have been very tough with finding out our sweet Mr. Bogie has lung cancer.

Here is the rundown for this Saturday’s rehearsal:
EVERYONE needs to be there at 8:30am to run circus!

2) Scene rehearsal will take place at the American Heart Association offices from 1:15-3:30pm, we will run the following scenes (some of which were not originally planned) Please make sure you are there and ready to work….we start running full acts next week!!! Make sure you have your printed script as well.
Scene 4
Scene 7
Scene 8

3) Ad Sales – Remember the deadline for ad sales is Saturday, Feb 13th!! We still have a long way to go to reach our goal to be able to pay for the show. Keep selling those ads!!!!!!!!  Forms are attached!

4) Liability form – Amy needs to get a Liability form from EVERY cast member. I have attached the form, please fill it out and bring it to rehearsal tomorrow to turn in.

5) Costumes – Tomorrow from 10:30-Noon we will be doing costume fittings for people in the following dances
Don’t’ Rain On My Parade
Circus Advanced Dancers
Circus Acts
You Belong to Me

6) Tickets – Rebecca will be there tomorrow to take ticket orders if you have them!

7) Receptions – Remember to bring your wine donation to dance rehearsals, all cast members should be able to donate at least 1 bottle of wine!

8) NO Vocal rehearsal this weekend.

I think that is it for now, see you all tomorrow!

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