Happy Thursday Spring Showers!!!!!

So this has been a CRAZY week, but SO much has been accomplished for the show that it has been well worth it! Just a few notes, reminders, and action items for this Saturday’s rehearsal!!! 

Please read this ENTIRE email….there is a lot of important stuff in here! J 

  1. Ad Sales – I am looking forward to seeing how many ads come in this weekend!! I challenge each of you to turn in at least 1 Ad (even if it is just a Business Card size!) Remember we CANNOT do the show if we do not hit our ad sales goal! Too much work has gone into the show for that to happen, but we need everyone’s help to reach that goal! For every ad you turn in this Saturday your name will go into a drawing for a fun prize….I will also announce last weeks winner at the Business Meeting!  Ad sales deadline is SATURDAY, FEB 13th!!!
  2. Receptions – Don’t forget to bring your donated wine for the Spring Show reception!! We found out this week that Coors is graciously donating the beer again this year, so that is cover but we need wine and lots of it!!  It doesn’t have to be expensive wine….I cleaned out my wine cabinet and came up with 6 bottles that I was willing to donate!

  3. Script – I know I sent out the “final” script earlier this week…I lied, the one attached to this script is the FINAL one! We have had a few cast changes this week and had to tweak the script because of it. Also if you will notice this script is set up with page breaks between each scene so the page numbers are different than before. This is the script that rehearsals will be run off of… PRINT IT OUT….BRING A COPY WITH YOUR LINES ALREADY HIGHLIGHTED TO REHEARSAL!!!!!

  1. Vocal Rehearsal – Here is the schedule for this week’s vocal rehearsal with Melanie. You can locate your back up music the website under Musical Notes if you need to download it to practice at home!
               9:30 am          9 to 5                             Bridget
              10:00 am         Proud Mary
                   Tonia, Kristina  
              10:30 am         
OMG You Guys             Shannon, Mack, Garrick, Audrey   
              11:00 am
         My Philosophy               Alex, Tricia  
              11:30 am        Whatever M/M Want      Alex S., Christen, Kristina, Dorothy

  1. Scene Rehearsal – This week we will be running scenes 5 and 6. It is VERY important that we have everyone there!!! And again PRINT OUT THE SCRIPT….BRING A COPY WITH YOUR LINES ALREADY HIGHLIGHTED TO REHEARSAL!!!!!   Below you will find a list of which characters are in scenes 5 and 6. 
     Scene 5                                                                                       
                      Drunk Guy
       Scene 6
                   Mr. Bogie
                   Mrs. Bogie

  2. Music –All dance and vocal music is now on the website for you to download! Dance tracks can be found under the Choreographers’ Corner and vocal back up tracks can be located under Musical Notes

     I think that is it for now! Enjoy the rest of your week and see you all Saturday morning!!!!

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