Hello Everyone! 

We had a great turn out last Saturday and I can’t wait to see everyone again for this week’s rehearsal!!!  Until then here is a little update and information for you.

1)       If you haven’t checked out the Spring Show website you need to! Make sure you bookmark it as this is your resource for all things Spring Show, especially on the Cast and Crew Info Page!  www.JWCSpringShow.Weebly.com

2)       Ad Sales: We are off to a good start but we still have a LONG way to go and that means we need everyone selling ads! For every ad (no matter the size) you turn in this Saturday, your name will go into a drawing for a prize! And you know you want to win…so the more ads you turn in the more chances you have! J 

3)       We will be starting vocal rehearsals this Saturday upstairs with our music director, Melanie Wilson.  If you are singing, please know you will not have vocal rehearsal every week so make sure to pay attention to the schedule each week. It will be posted under the Musical Notes page on the Spring Show website and I will also send it out in my weekly emails. 

4)       If you are singing a song that is also a dance you need to be prepared to start practicing with the dancers every Saturday starting Feb. 6th.  The dancers need to get used to the way you are performing the number. If you are ready to start practicing with the dancers sooner, talk to the choreographer in charge of your number and see if they have learned enough to start working with you. 

5)       Advanced Dancers – Ashley will be running the advanced dancer’s rehearsal for the first part of Circus from 8:30 till 9:00. The rest of the dance schedule is posted on the Spring Show website under  Choreographer Corner.

6)       Check out the Costume Closet page to see the photos, descriptions and where you can purchase the base dancer uniform that Ruth told you about during last weeks Business Meeting.


Saturday, Jan. 16, 2010 Vocal Rehearsal Schedule            
            9:30 am                
OMG You Guys
                                        Shannon, Mack,
                                                                                                              Garrick, Audrey
           10:00 am               Business Meeting
           10:30 am               9 to 5
           11:00 am               Whatever Mimi/Muffy Wants
                   Faith, Christen
           11:30 am               My Philosophy                                          Alex, Tricia

That is about it! Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday Morning!

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